Author on the Michigan Dunes
Woodworker, Maker, Lover of art, music, technology and history. A believer in a confluence of events leading to greater things

Welcome to the 30 Minute Woodshop. My  objective here is to give you tips, tricks, ideas, and projects you can do in your shop in about 30 minutes. Some will be complete projects and some will be chunked in 30ish minute segments. 

So why 30 minutes? Most of us are BUSY! Work, school, sports, band, PTA, church, friends, exercise, whatever but it all sucks time. So about the best you can do is escape for 30 minutes. And for me the 30 minutes of shop time is bliss. Especially at the end when I can say , “Hey look what I did.”  It gives a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction after a long day.

“Give me the right tools and a place to stand and I can build worlds”

Bill Berklich