If you are a bourbon drinker, a BBQ lover, enjoy cocktails then you will really like this bourbon barrel cocktail smoker. It doesn’t require a lathe you only need several different Forstner bits. This is an easy project for a beginner and it makes a great gift. And if you read to the end I’ve included a recipe for a Traverse City Smoked Cherry cocktail. So, Let’s Make A Bourbon Barrel Cocktail Smoker.
By the way if you don’t have time or tools to make these? Visit my Etsy Store
Tools and Materials
The only materials you’ll need for this project are a wide barrel stave at least 4 1/2 inches, a small stainless steel basket, some polyurethane, and some beeswax and oil finish. If you made the Whiskey and Cigar Butler, then you will have a few pieces of wide barrel stave left over and ready to cut. If not then visit Skull Creek Design’s Etsy Store and order the wide staves. Make a note that you need 4” wide staves minimum 4-1/2” are better and Travis will fix you up.
The tools you will need will be a 90 millimeter Forstner bit, a 2 1/4 inch Forstner bit, and a 1 1/2 inch Forstner bit. I’ve included links for these below. You will need a few more things such as: Saw, gloves, wire brush, and the usual paint brushes and rags.

Material Preparation
If you bought new stave you will need to knock off the char on the inside. You can see how I do that early in this VIDEO. Lay on a coat of polyurethane to seal the remaining char and soot to help keep your shop and hands clean while you handle the material.
Sand the outside of the stave also to remove most of the dirt. I started with 60 Grit and went to 100 then 220 grit. DO NOT OVER SAND. All you want to do is to clean off the worst of the dirt and grime. Leave the rust, barrel band marks, and paint. These give it character.

Layout, Cutting, and Marking
If you’re starting with new material as in a full barrel stave you will need to cut it into square pieces. So, layout the squares on your stave and cut the squares, Then going corner to corner draw lines to create an X and find the center. My pieces we’re already cut as they were left over from my Whiskey and Cigar Butler project. I used a Bird Cage Awl to create a small hole for my drill bit.
There’s a simple sketch below with approximate dimensions. Yours may differ depending on the material you have.

With everything cut and the centers marked you are ready to hog out the depressions. On the bottom (Char Side) you will sink a 90mm (3-1/2”) diameter hole and 1/16” deep. I suggest you use a drill press to as controlling a very large bit in a hand drill is difficult and can be dangerous. Flip the part over and drill out the larger hole first 2-1/8” diameter 1/16” deep. Next drill the center hole for the basket. This needs to be 1-1/2” diameter and 5/8” to 3/4” deep/ the Depth is based on the thickness of the barrel stave which varies. Basically, drill as deep as you can without breaking through.
The last step is to drill five or six 3/16” or 1/4” through holes in the bottom of the basket hole. These let the smoke flow from the chips into your drink.

Forming and Fitting the Basket
To get a good fit you will need to reform the basket. This is an easy task. Just turn it ring side up and use your palm to push down and flatten it a bit. It may take 2-3 tries to get the shape you need. You may need to do a bit more forming with your fingers or thumbs to get the shape an depth you need. Once done, check for fit.
Routing and Sanding
Yes, a bit more work. Routing the edges is an optional operation. But a nice curved edge makes it easier to handle. So hit the upper edges with a 1/8” or 1/4” roundover bit. Then sand out any sharp or rough edges left.
Finishing is simple. You are only going to put mineral oil or oil and wax on just the top and edges that will not be in the flame. So, all the upper surfaces that still have the original barrel patina on them. The Char side, if you remember, has a coat of polyurethane so don’t add any finish to that.

Closing and congratulations
Wahoo – you are done!!

Except for one thing… making a “Smoked Cherry” Cocktail. Here’s how:
6 Six Lugs Cherries [Link] Muddled in a cocktail glass
1 Shot of Traverse City Whiskey American Cherry Whiskey
1 Shot of Traverse City Whiskey
1 to 2 Oz of Fruit Belt Cherry Tart Sparking Tonic
Place the smoker on top and fill the basket with a pinch of your favorite wood shavings and apply direct flame from a butane (not propane guys) torch.

Now enjoy!!!
Thanks for reading. If you got something out of this, click on subscribe and until next time Good Making!
Visit my Etsy Store at www.etsy.com/shop/30MinuteWoodshop
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Cocktail Smoker Video
Barrel Stave Whiskey Coaster Video https://youtu.be/WkajgOzm6kU
DIY Whiskey and Cigar Butler Video https://youtu.be/PR0C5dOrO2E
Create Your Own Lazy Susan Blog https://30minutewoodshop.com/?p=491
Barrel Stave Bottle Opener Blog https://30minutewoodshop.com/barrel-stave-bottle-opener/
Tools you may need
Barrel parts at Skull Creek Designs https://www.etsy.com/shop/SkullCreekDesigns
Stainless Steel Mesh Basket https://amzn.to/43oV5MP
90mm (3.5”) Forstner Bit https://amzn.to/3vjRotr
3-1/4” Forstner Bit https://amzn.to/3TWPMQ4
Grizzly Industrial 31-Piece Forstner Bit Set https://amzn.to/3V0SG7A
Steelex 2-1/4″ Forstner Bit https://amzn.to/3EDv5mz
DEWALT Router Fixed/Plunge Base Kit https://amzn.to/34TeXzp
Router Bits Sets of 24A Pieces 1/4 Inch Shank https://amzn.to/3I5SYU7