A floating wine holder is always a fun kind of thing. This one is super easy because you don’t have to do any drilling. All you’ll have to do is cut three pieces and laminate them together. And if you choose your wood wisely you can finish with wax and oil, or boiled linseed oil.
Follow the link to my Video to see how it is done.
Tools and Materials
Tools for this project are straightforward, really you only need a Table saw. A compound miter saw is very good also as is a radial arm saw. And of course, the usual combination square, clamps, orbital Sander, and tape measure.
The materials you’ll need for this wine holder three pieces of wood. Two that are about 12 inches long and 3/4” wide and then a third piece that’s about 1-1/4” wide. Well you can use the same species of wood for all three pieces, it’s fun to use different colors of wood. For instance, Maple on the outside with Walnut or Bloodwood on the inside. Or possibly Osage Orange in the center flanked by Brazilian Cherry. Yellowheart, and Redheart make a good pairing also. You will need some waterproof glue like Tite Bond III.

Nothing significant to layout here just follow the sketch below.

The first thing you will need to do it’s just size the parts to the correct width. You’ll need two pieces there are approximately 3/4″ wide which will be the side pieces. And then you’ll need the center section at 1-1/8” wide. Next you will need to cut the wide piece at a 45 degree angle about an inch and a half down from the end.

Glue up
With the cuts made now you need to glue all three pieces of the wine holder together I would suggest lining the tops of all three pieces so you’ll have the short center section on top. Then the middle center section move down so there’s a 1-1/8″ gap. Mark where the 45s are on the side pieces so you know where to put the glue. Apply the glue fairly generously and clamp these pieces into position. Be sure that they are even at level. Let these dry for about 2-1/2 hours.

With the glue dry you can start sanding. If you were careful during glue up and the pieces matched well won’t have much sanding to do. If the joints are a little rough, you may need to start scanning with 80 grit and you work your way up to 220 and then to 320 Grit. On this project you want to sand to 320 grit because it will be handled fairly frequently.

More Cutting
Now we have some more cutting to do. First cut the top end so that all the pieces are even. Then measure down 11 inches and cut a 45 degree angle at the bottom. Be sure that the bottom cut matches the cuts at the top. The 45 need to be pointing the same way.
At this point get a bottle of wine stick it in the wine holder and make sure it balances properly. If not you may need to cut a little bit more off the bottom end.
[final cutting]

This wine holder is a great project for boiled linseed oil as a finish. Most of the time this will set out a shelf it won’t be exposed to liquids or rough handling. So wipe on the boiled linseed oil let it sit for a few minutes and then wipe it off. Repeat this step one or two more times. Be sure to read the directions and the boiled in seed oil container for application and dry times.

Project completion
This wine holder project does not take a significant amount of time, materials, or number of tools. Certain tools will help you complete the job faster and easier. But use the tools you have at hand. This project makes a great gift for friends and loved ones and can really showcase you’re woodworking skills. And it’s useful

If you did make this project, congratulations on a job well done. And do me a favor and post it
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Thanks for reading and until next time Good Making!
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Links to my Videos and Blogs
DIY Whiskey and Cigar Butler https://30minutewoodshop.com/?p=550
Farmhouse Key Rack https://youtu.be/I65FGq4dKYY
Create Your Own Lazy Susan https://30minutewoodshop.com/?p=491
Tools and Materials you may need
DEWALT Drill and Driver Combo https://amzn.to/42yybmy
DEWALT Router Plunge Base Kit https://amzn.to/3LKkJEK
Narex Scratch Awl https://amzn.to/3O8sM
Milwaukee M18 Jig Saw Kit https://amzn.to/3FAWXsS
BOSCH Compound Miter Saw https://amzn.to/421A1vl